
Грибная аптека (ночная смена)
Little Red Riding Hood
Peacock Eye
Move - Переезд

photographers.com.ua (in English)


  1. What a gorgeous photos,woow...beyond lovely ART:-)***
    Thank you for share,

    Hugs and Love,

  2. Wow, stunning photographs - but then, you always have the most gorgeous eye candy!

    Sorry for not visiting back earlier - as you know, the anniversary dinner was a total non-event (went down with flu: OK in the morning, and by evening I was in bed!) Peter's got it as well, so we've been housebound the entire week. I only really got going again yesterday, and still feeling cottonwool-ish so big apologies for not leaving a comment earlier.

    Have a great weekend!

  3. Hallo Sugarpie,

    Thanks for your compliments at my blog.
    And of course came to visit yours.
    Love these pics on your blog....
    would love to use them for my backgrounds.
    So i will go and check on the rights to use them.

    a hug from holland

  4. Ooh, I'm having a deja vue momement, lol...

    Thanks so much for visiting me and leaving a comment - I'm finally surfacing to wish you a shamefully late Happy New Year after a disastrous computer crash compounded by my 2nd bout of flu! Not a good start... it can only get better, lol.

    Hugs from the UK!
